Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dodgeville Schools Applying for Statewide Recognition

We're excited to share that all four schools in our district are applying for awards through the Wisconsin RtI Center or PBIS Network. The School of Merit and School of Distinction awards recognize schools that are making great strides in implementation of these new state initiatives. The purpose of the awards includes recognizing work to implement initiatives, promotion of quality frameworks, and showcasing examples of implementation. Schools of Merit have implemented elements of the frameworks with integrity. Schools of Distinction sustain these elements for at least two years and begin to demonstrate student-level outcomes. This blog post explains why we believe our schools are ready to apply for these prestigious awards and what it will mean if we win.

Our schools have worked hard to create systems to help ensure that students learn every day, understand our expectations, and that we respond quickly when students need additional support. In previous blog posts, I have described our Multi-Tiered System of Supports or MTSS. Here are elements of our MTSS and some of the work we are doing in the district: 
  • We have building-based teams that meet at least monthly (most teacher teams meet at least weekly).
  • These teams have been trained by the state to analyze student data and coordinate responses if students are struggling or need more challenging activities.
  • We have a group of five excellent staff coaches, who are trained in reading and math interventions, behavior supports, data analysis, and supporting our teacher teams as they implement new curriculum and improved interventions.
  • Our staff members have been surveyed about how well these systems are working, and those surveys have helped us identify necessary changes to our systems.
  • And finally, we have multiple years of progress data that we use to identify trends and modify supports and resources.
We hope to report great news about awards this spring! If we do receive awards, RtI Center and PBIS Network staff members will have thoroughly researched our processes and verified them with student outcome data. Schools that are recognized through their successful applications act as statewide examples of different models of implementation that are beginning to show signs of positive student outcomes. Stay tuned for more about this exciting opportunity.